Saturday 22 February 2014

beach beach beach

Sunglasses - Wildfox 
Dress - Thrift shop
Shoes - Ebay
Green ring - Costa Rican market
Other silver rings - H&M

Finally a chance to wear my jelly shoes! To the beach, bringing back memories of being a small child. Was so happy to find these on ebay really cheap and even happier when I found this dress the other day.
I was doing my usual round of the same old tourist tat shops by the beach, you know what I mean, the same things in every country. Beaded bracelets, wall hangings, standard homemade jewelery was everywhere when I decided to walk down a street away from the beach and I came accross a thrift shop! There were loads of lush bargains in there and I came away with some flared pattered trousers and this dress which is actually a night top! 
It's really silky and a size XL and I just about get away with it being an extra short dress! Very comfy silky fabric too. 
My ring is also something I got from a local Costa Rican market. Such. A. Sucker. For. Rings. Must stop buying...

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