Thursday 13 February 2014

Into Town

The first thing I wanted to buy for travelling was a white boho linen top so I headed straight for Monsoon, naturallement. I was quite literally bombarded with tops of this description and probably took about 7 or 8 of them into the changing rooms.
I mainly chose this one as it wasnt too see-through. Doesnt that totally ruin the point of having one of these loose thin material tops?? They're worn because people want to cover up but still say cool, surely?? Not to induce sweaty skin via layers. Rant over. 
Not that you can see them very well but my shorts were the second thing I went in search for. A summer wardrobe staple without a doubt. However going into any high street shop and the only style that seems to be available are the sort that show your bum. I'm going to some places were the culture is a lot different to England, in other words they don't strip practically naked at the sight of some sun, so I thought it would be more appropriate to cover up a bit more. 
Surprisingly Topshop, being the worst in selling arrays of denim pants, sorry shorts, had this pair which covered me nicely and a bit of leg, without looking too much like a 90s soccer mom.
The trainers are my custom made Nikes, I talked about them in my previous post. 

Even in the dead of winter in England I find it hard not to go by wild flowers without pulling them off and putting them in my hair. Its just something I've always done. I used to get told off in primary school for it for some reason. Here, the flowers are incredible, they're like nothing I've ever seen before, but thats what it should be like in the middle of the jungle!

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