Wednesday 8 May 2013

Green Zebra

Firstly, an apology. Well, two apologies. First of all, I don't actually own a camera. Yes I would LOVE one but I don't have a job at the moment and it just isn't looking possible at the moment. So instead I'm using my iphone 4s. The reverse side though. The reason for is my second apology.
I am majorly unphotogenic, I really have been taking hundreds of photos with the proper camera side taking them, but in all of them I appear to be pulling a ridiculous face, or my neck is going off at a weird angle. It is very frustrating but I am going to really try and sort this problem out in the future. I've tried doing photos without my head in, but I just don't like them, I prefer to see the complete look on others and I feel hair and make up really is an extension of your outfit choice and can sometimes save an otherwise hideous look. (Or ruin it as well to be fair..)

So anyway I had a bit of time on my hands in college the other day as my friend wasn't in, so I found a blank wall and decided to try to take some photos...

Jacket - Forever 21 
Top- Topshop
Jeans - Topshop
Tights - Primark
Shoes - Vans via Richmond Classics

Rings (l-r)
Gift from a secret santa
Gift from Barcelona

So believe it or not, I've never actually owned a pair of high waisted denim shorts before. Why? I really don't know! They've been in fashion for so long and you can adapt them to any style, or whatever you're into. So when my friend left hers at my house I had to nab them!

This top was a recent whim purchase in Topshop, which is what most of my Topshop purchases are to be honest. I usually go clothes shopping with my grandma who doesn't like to go out or stand up for long so it’s quite a rush around the shop. I find it more ideal that way as then I only ever buy anything when it really catches my eye. Like this zebra top did. I never wear green but I just love the embroidered zebra face on it and thought to try something a little different. I really do live in crop tops, as you’ll soon see for yourself.

I love this leather jacket and wear it most days if I’m honest. It was a super cheap Forever 21 one, about £30 I think. The cropped shape was ideal as it would look good with both cropped and long tops and would look better with an A-line skirt. The studs on top would give it a tougher edge I thought as I often wear quite girly or floaty outfits.

I love to wear rings and tend to go through cycles of wearing lots and lots for ages and then none at all. The one on the left was a secret Santa present that resembles a leaf I think and wraps around my finger perfectly. My thumb ring used to be blue but somehow over time it turned white which I actually think gives it a more interesting look. The massive elephant ring is definitely a little different and I thought it was perfect for me as I love animals and animal jewellery, particularly elephants and lizards.
Wow, I wrote quite a bit there, will try and keep it brief next time! Thanks for reading, would love to hear your thoughts!

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